
The most complete Open Source Digital Asset Management solution on the market

Phraseanet is a complete answer to the needs of organizations, associations, companies, administrations, who need to manage efficiently, publish, share and enhance their digital content.

From classic needs (managing media files by a photo or a communication department) to the more complex ones (managing pictures in production business processes such as marketing, distribution and sales), Phraseanet brings a solution used and recommended by many customers.

Today, Phraseanet is about tens of thousands of downloads. Tens of millions multimedia files are currently managed by Phraseanet servers on the 5 continents.

Phraseanet may be downloaded and used for free, under GPL v3 licence.

Phraseanet comes with its API and a catalog regularly updated with extensions and addins which enable its interconnection with other applications of the information system.


Customize your Phraseanet application

Parade makes the user experience friendly, ergonomic and productive. Parade allows you to develop front end applications which are totally customizable, to get closer to the end users’ needs in terms of graphic interface and navigation.

Parade integrates a rich functional level :

– Several ways for authentication : Phraseanet user, Parade user

– News management on the homepage

– Integration of the Elastic facets



The new DAM solution. Modern, scalable, API First.

Built on 30+ years of development and customer project management expertise, Phrasea brings modernity, power and scalability.

Phrasea is designed for communications, marketing and creative professionals to manage and distribute all visuals:

  • Import: batch import of media files, pre-indexing of content, reading and writing of metadata
  • Management: media organization using hierarchical collections, batch and sub-batch indexing, field and tag information in multiple languages
  • Powerful search with suggested results, numerous sorting and filtering options
  • Version control, with all renditions produced to suit your needs
  • Sharing of document selections
  • Workflow engine
  • Creation and sharing of web galleries, CDN relay for distribution
  • Fine-tuned management of authentication, users, groups and access (Keycloak)
  • Catalog of embedded integrations (automatic indexing via AI, image retouching, etc.)


The Saas editorial system

Phraseanet can be integrated with SWYP, published by Rip Consulting.

Very simple and intuitive tool, it fits your organization, your digital tools and current or future DTP softwares.


Plugins & extensions

A constant optimization of productivity

The plugins and extensions help improving regularly and naturally the use of Phraseanet.

Phraseanet gets often brand new addons. Interconnection is made very easily with the applications of your own information system.

Plugins for WordPress, Drupal, Adobe are already available.



Live the Phraseanet experience : Register on one of our demo servers and find out about our universe.

To view the full potential of our solutions, contact us! We’ll organize an online private demonstration at your convenience.